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  falling angel         
falling angel
[ 作者:死亡阴影    转贴自:本站论坛    点击数:5171    更新时间:2004-07-12    文章录入:qingjiao

When a pair of people is falling love, there is always an angel giving wish to them. The angel pay out much more than the lovers...

In a small city, there was a boy and a girl falling in love with each other. But one year later, they became tired of each other. Victor,The best friend of the girl's, he was afraid that the boy would leave the girl one day. He hoped the boy could love the girl and make her happy. But that became worse and worse.

   Perhaps, the boy whom the girl loved found that Victor may love the girl, so he deceived Victor into thinking the girl liked her. But later on, Victor knew the truth, he was so angry that he beat the boy.

  He saw the girl is so sad everyday because of the boy. He knew that if the boy leave the girl, she would be sadder, and so would he. One night, he went to church to pray for the girl. He genuflected in front of the god. At last, the god was affected by the virtuous boy. But if you get one thing you will lose other one. "The kind boy" asked the god "are you sure you want to pay out all for the girl?" "Yes, I am sure!" "What about your life?" He thought for a second, and shouted "I'm sure! But you must let her be happy forever!" "Well, this is the bow of loving. You will be an angel in next night." "But where is the arrow?" "It's your life." "Thank you."

  The next night, the boy and the girl met in the school yard ,and the angel was at the top of the tell building. The boy and the girl went to each other, when they were face to face, they know that what they would say in the next moment, so did the angel. While they were beginning to say, the angel is getting ready to shoot. But he knew there was no arrow, and said“ I love you“. There was still no arrow. When he shot the bow broke. The god appeared again, he asked Victor which he wanted better, let the girl be happy or let you be an angel. Victor responded" sorry, I don't understand what do you mean?" "It means you are so kind that we want you to join us to be a real angel." said the angel. "No! I want her to be happy forever!" "If you have decide so, I will help you." "Thanks." "Fly above them, I will help you." When he was flying, they saw him. The god got ready to shoot. At that time, the angel's feathers began to scale off. He fly very hard, and begin to come down. While he is falling faster and faster, the god shot, and his body turned into thousands of feathers. The arrow is biggest one of feathers--his life. At that time they know what love mean. And they give a hug to each other. That would lasted forever.


-----My friend, when you are in love, don't forget to thank the angel !

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