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  雅虎公司C#笔试题,看看你能解答多少?         ★★★★
[ 作者:jinder22    转贴自:CSDN    点击数:6032    更新时间:2005-12-12    文章录入:smart001

   1. Factory
   2. Abstract Factory
   3. Singleton
   4. Builder
Question 40. (单选)

class Class1
public static int Count = 0;
static Class1()
public Class1()
Class1 o1 = new Class1();
Class1 o2 = new Class1();

  请问,Class1.Count的值是多少?( )

   1. 1
   2. 2
   3. 3
   4. 4

Question 41. (单选)

abstract class BaseClass
public virtual void MethodA()
public virtual void MethodB()
class Class1: BaseClass
public void MethodA()
public override void MethodB()
class Class2: Class1
new public void MethodB()
class MainClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
Class2 o = new Class2();


   1. BaseClass
   2. BassClass Class1
   3. Class1
   4. Class1 BassClass
Question 42. (单选)

public static void Main(string[] args)
int i = 2000;
object o = i;
i = 2001;
int j =(int) o;
Console.WriteLine("i={0},o={1}, j={2}",i,o,j);

   1. i=2001,o=2000,j=2000
   2. i=2001,o=2001,,j=2001
   3. i=2000,o=2001,,j=2000
   4. i=2001,o=2000,j=2001
Question 43. (多选)


   1. 在这个应用程序的Global.asax文件中创建一个Application_Error过程去处理ASP.NET代码错误。
   2. 在这个应用程序的Web.config文件中创建一个applicationError节去处理ASP.NET代码错误。
   3. 在这个应用程序的Global.asax文件中创建一个CustomErrors事件去处理HTTP错误。
   4. 在这个应用程序的Web.config文件中创建一个CustomErrors节去处理HTTP错误。
Question 44. (单选)


public abstract class A
public A()
public virtual void Fun()

public class B: A
public B()

public new void Fun()

public static void Main()
A a = new B();

   1. A B A.Fun()
   2. A B B.Fun()
   3. B A A.Fun()
   4. B A B.Fun()
Question 45. (单选)

  Which of these string definitions will prevent escaping on backslashes in C#?*

   1. string s = #”n Test string”;
   2. string s = “’n Test string”;
   3. string s = @”n Test string”;
   4. string s = “n Test string”;
Question 46. (单选)

  Which of the following operations can you NOT perform on an ADO.NET DataSet?

   1. A DataSet can be synchronised with a RecordSet.
   2. A DataSet can be synchronised with the database.
   3. A DataSet can be converted to XML.
   4. You can infer the schema from a DataSet
Question 47. (单选)

  In Object Oriented Programming, how would you describe encapsulation?

   1. The conversion of one type of object to another.
   2. The runtime resolution of method calls.
   3. The exposition of data.
   4. The separation of interface and implementation.
Question 48. (单选)

  How does assembly versioning in .NET prevent DLL Hell?

   1. The runtime checks to see that only one version of an assembly is on the machine at any one time.
   2. .NET allows assemblies to specify the name AND the version of any assemblies they need to run.
   3. The compiler offers compile time checking for backward compatibility.
   4. It doesn’t.
Question 49. (单选)


   1: bool isEmpty = (str.Length == 0);
   2: bool isEmpty = (str == String.Empty);
   3: bool isEmpty = (str == "");


   1. 1
   2. 2
   3. 3
Question 50. (单选)

public sealed class SampleSingleton1
private int m_Counter = 0;
  private SampleSingleton1()

public static readonly SampleSingleton1 Singleton = new SampleSingleton1();

public void Counter()
m_Counter ++;


   1. 原型
   2. 抽象工厂
   3. 单键
   4. 生成器

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